What’s a good idea for a party bag?

Good idea for a birthday party bag
So you booked the perfect entertainment! Food is organised, it’s coming to the end of the party! Party bags are a great way to say it’s over and it’s time to be on your way!
Without the party bags, your guests will be wondering when is a good time to leave?
The party bag gives your guests permission as they leave the party with a lovely gift in hand.
The above photo is a great way to theme your party bags with the magic show.
Category:Party ideas
Community fun day

Community fun day entertainment leeds
The Jo Cox Foundation has been established to support Jo’s friends, family and colleagues in their efforts to continue her work and to highlight the issues she cared about so deeply – from the plight of innocent civilians in Syria to the despair caused by loneliness and social isolation in the UK.
On the 23rd of June on a very sunny day. The staff and friends of Decon house Leeds came together and brought the community together.
Behind the hustle and bustle of the bus stops.
The local radio station. musicians from the local area and other community groups came together.
Kids, parents and one or two of the older ladies and gents from the surrounding area came together. I had the pleasure of entertaining one on one, with some close up magic.
I know the magic brought smiles and i hope the magic made their day.
joe cox foundation / donate hereIf you would like us to perform for your community event, here is the link:
Andria Bull the lady who organised the whole event, left this feedback:
“Mark’s performance was excellent. He interacted really well with his audience and everyone enjoyed the day. I would definitely book Mark for any other events we have in the future.”
The Best Children’s entertainer in Yorkshire
So who is, the best children’s entertainer in Yorkshire?
I would love to say, “it’s me”! i try my hardest! But then every so often, something wonderful visits town. “the greatest show on earth!”
Where does a magician take his family on his day off? The circus!
REVIEW TIME Paulos Circus!
So every so often a circus visits town. i must say Paulos circus was difficult to get any comments or reviews off. i found it difficult to get any pictures off google.
Ive seen some circuses that don’t do the circus world justice. Paulos is not one of them! The tent is a good size and is good quality. The sound, lights and atmospehere where wonderful.
The Acts where truly wonderful, with a mix of everything you could imagine. The highlight for me was the tight rope act. If this circus is in town? go and see! “the best entertainment in Yorkshire” in fact! Still the greatest show on earth!
The best children’s entertainment in town is the circus, i hope i can travel with a circus one day.
Paulo’s circus is one of the best value circus’s at just £7 each. fantastic value. i know cinemas and ball pools that are more expensive.
Well done Paulo’s Circus!
Thank you for a wonderful evening
like them here. see when there next in town!
Category:Shows & Events
How to save money on a children’s party entertainment?
Mark’s magic kingdom is one of the best children’s entertainers. We wanted to keep up with the times. We found that over 60% of people viewing our website are doing this, on smart phones.
So we plucked up the courage and totally changed our children’s website, . improvements such as video page, gallery, price page and so on.
Instead google are flooding these pages with big companies like Poptop, Net-mum’s and bark. So instead of having a direct link to the children’s entertainers people need, they are having to go through companies such as yell and 192 and other big companies.
So Yell and 192 are ok for finding kids party entertainers, as they at least give a free entry to the children’s entertainer who wants to advertise with them.
But some of the other companies charge a commission or a fee at the point of booking or after. So poptop for example charges the entertainer and not the booker, great? Not really! We as the entertainer knows we have to pay this fee, its usually approx 10%. so we just add this 10% on.
Other companies charge the entertainer to contact you!!! expect that price to also be added!
So if you want the best price for a children’s entertainer at a good price BOOK DIRECT!
Category:General Updates
mark the magician performing magic as a children’s entertainer in Leeds.
How far in advance should i book a kids entertainer?
- How far does a magician travel?
- Are the most expensive kids entertainers the best?
- How long should my party be?
Some children’s Party’s are booked a year ahead, Some ring the day before, or even a few hours before! “Help, its raining, I’ve booked a bouncy castle and its going to rain, I’ve got 40 kids to entertain!!!!”
How far in advance should i book a kids entertainer?
So if your booking me or another children’s entertainer in Leeds, “How far in advance, should you book?”
I think to cover me here! i should say, as soon as possible! But if you did have other things planned and the rain stops play? It’s not too late to book a magician or kids entertainer!
We have a puppet show and a magician, both performed by different people. Usually if one’s booked the other isn’t! So there is a good chance you can still book a children’s entertainer in Leeds from us. Remember most kids entertainers travel upto 2 hours to get to a venue. probably a little less if its a birthday party. So don’t stress, give your local children’s party entertainer a call. if we can’t do it, we will recommend someone. Your last minute, so be prepared with pen and paper. you might be given quite a few names to ring.
Especially the magician’s will try to help you out.
How far does a magician travel?
If its for birthday party entertainment its typically 10mins to 90 mins. If it’s a big event like a fun day, sometimes it can be hours. Depending on how specialised the entertainment is. So if your ringing around entertainers and there area code does not match yours? don’t worry. still ring. you might even get a better price than a local magician?
Are the most expensive kids entertainers the best?
If your hiring the chuckle brothers for your event? then you know what your paying for!
But one kids entertainer is £50 more expensive than the other, is it worth paying the money.
I know one entertainment company that always made there prices 20% more expensive than other entertainers in the area. As most people assume you would get something more for your money?
In this case, i felt the booker didn’t get anything more, but i guess this could be a personal feeling and its hard to measure. paying the extra money, maybe they got the feeling of getting the best? maybe this feeling for worth the extra 20% im not so sure?
How long should a children’s party be?
Don’t measure what your getting by time! Some entertainers in Leeds might offer 3 hours of entertainment at the same price another entertainer is offering, just 2 hours.
In fact it’s the 2 hour birthday party that we recommend! Some people see that they are having relatives traveling great distances and the 2 hour party does not seem long enough for that reason.
The party is for the birthday child, so have the 2 hours. any longer kids will find too long. Even kids films don’t usually last more than 90 mins for that reason.
Do the party, Then any family members can meat up at the local pub, cafe. All the kids have gone. you can contratulate yourself for a job well done. yet, now you can relax and enjoy time with family members.
So the ideal party time is 2 hours!
Category:General Updates, Magic, Uncategorized

the best children’s party ideas for a 4 year old
So what is the best birthday party?
Is there a difference for 3,4,5 or a 6 year olds party? The choices are endless, the sums of money one can spend, are over whelming. With all this in mind its easy to lose sight on what really counts?
Most children want, what their friends are having. But is that the best option?
Lets consider some of the options:
Children’s birthday party ideas
Ballpool party: Ball pools have become very popular in the last 10 years, starting off in pubs and eventually taking over complete buildings. usually somewhere to take the kids after school or on a weekend to blow of steam. Due to their industrial size and non intimate nature, usually being shared by 3 other birthday parties at the same time. the ball pool has become the production line for the modern birthday party. If your the type of parent who want’s to turn up, get the party over and done with as quickly and painlessly as possible? this option may be for you. But as a dad of 4 children, who did opt for this style of party once, it has no existance in my favorite memory box. In fact, i could not even find any photos of such an occasion. yet I’m sure it happened, or did it just merge into all the other occasitions we visited the ball pool?
Bouncy castle party: Taking place in the garden or community hall. Bouncy castles have had a bad press lately, but if they are properly set up and supervised, at least 20 minutes of fun may be had. Then the kids jump off and run riot! it was only a few weeks ago, since i had to take my 4 year old to such a party. i’ve never seen my clock handle click around so slow. Unless your great at supervising games, don’t expect a lone bouncy castle to entertain 25 kids for 2 hours. If your holding a party in your garden and live in Florida? then your likely not to have showers, in the UK. you had better have plan B ready!
Trampoline park: Now, ill admit. i’ve only ever been to one kids party at one. But it was an 8 year olds. Even so, they had hired me, performing magic for the second part of the party. So maybe this type of party should be for the older kids only? The availability of these trampoline parks tends to be increasing, not everyone can go on a trampoline? Wheel chair kid, Asthmatic kid are just a couple of the kids that want be able to come to your child’s party.
Children’s entertainer: Ok, i have to declare an interest on this one! Common sense will prevail and not all children’s entertainers are equal!
No matter how big the bouncy castle, how wonderful the trampoline park looks, how well surpervised and clean the ball pool is. You will hear more laughter coming from a bad children’s entertainer than any other type of activity i can think of. Get a good children’s entertainer and your kids will have the best of times. I can only think that a pantomime might beat the experience. But at the expensive of the theatre, we can rule that one out. A good children’s party entertainer will take over the whole party entertainment for you. just the anticipation of the show starting creates excitement. The parents and grandparents are just as exited as the kids. what other entertainment can do this?
How to find the best Children’s entertainer for your party?
Lets assume you don’t have any recomendations to go from and no one from mark’s magic kingdom is available. How do you get a good children’s party entertainer?
Here is a little trick! Ring a few entertainers in your area, until you talk to one, who’s not available. Ask them, who they would recommend? They allready know all the competition in the area. they may say who to avoid and probably give you a telephone number of a great entertainer who does not usually advertise.
How to save money when booking a kids party entertainer?
Using recommendations from relatives should be the first way to book. check out the reviews on facebook for any entertainers your about to book.
The old fashioned way of booking an entertainer is through a booking agent. They should have a good relationship with a children’s entertainer and should have seen at least part of there show. Unfortunately most agents don’t have this background and are booking through the same information that you can find yourself on line. oh, you will also be charged at least 15% more than if you booked direct with the entertainer.
There are also, entertainment booking platform such as Bark and Poptop. In this case you will be dealing indirectly with the entertainer. these platforms don’t check out the act. They are just a gateway to the act. because of this, the act themselfs will be paying for this service, even if it appears your getting this service for free. this means the act will add the price on. usually at least 10%.
What happens if i book an entertainer, then I have to cancel?
Most entertainers will send you out a confirmation letter with the terms and conditions on it. Some professional entertainers will ask for the full fee to be paid up front, after all they need to make their wages over that weekend and cant afford to lose a booking. Some will take a booking fee, some a deposit. Remember a booking fee is not refundable.
How to make sure your entertainer turns up!
First of all, lets see this from the entertainers perspective! For someone to call and say “why arent you at my party”? Serious this moment really sucks. I mean your heart goes into your shoes, but it’s not always the entertainers fault. As an entertainer, we try to put as many fail safes as possible. Some people have called our office, given the location, who’s its for, the time. then received a price. At this moment, in their mind. they thought they booked in, in the entertainers mind, it was just a quote.
How to make sure, your booked in?
Did you get your confirmation letter?
Did you send the signed agrement back?
Was the correct address given for postage?
Did you remember to pay the deposit?
Did you really book? or ask for a quote? On many occasions we have had the dad ring us, “our entertainer has rang, and let us down”! I’ve asked the name of the entertainer and i can hear them making one up, Mr merlin was one of them! Haha! there is no one in my area called that, not for 100 miles! In other words, I’ve really messed up and forgot to book an entertainer. we all make mistakes, be honest! and we will endevour to sort you out!
Sometimes shit happens! Break downs, break in’s and the most annoying for me was our motor broke on our roller shutter door. Remember to check out events in the area, i know one entertainer who could not through the gay pride parade!
i simply could not get any magic equipment at all. But ill do anything i can to cover a show, i have a list of other entertainers. just in case. the last thing an entertainer wants to do, is not entertain!
What should i do, if the entertainer cant get there?
First and foremost, ask the entertainer you booked to provide a replacement. They have all their contacts and can do this faster and quicker than you can. They may be incapacitated. Use google to find a entertainer in your area, explain what has happened. I’m sure they will do, what ever they can to help you out.
- You may want to swop things around in the party, so give everyone 15 mins to arrive. serve drinks.
- Do a simple party game such as musical statues then serve the food, by serving the food this has given you 1 hour to sort something out.
- still cant get an entertainer? time to make a pass the parcel and think of some other party games. keep calm. kids will love any games you do!

children’s magician
So you have added a R.S.V.P to your party invitation, should you expect a response?
Yes you should, but it probably want happen!
It seems to be in the culture of birthday parties, that they will only tell you if they can’t come.
Remember the people at the party are the important ones. you’ve done food boxes for the amount of children invited, so not a lot of food wasted.
If its the Easter, Summer or Christmas holidays and your holding your party at this time? expect numbers to dip.

childrens party hull, The kids had a fantastic time being entertained by mark, sometimes it difficult to know who enjoys the show more, the adults or the kids?
Well what can I say – Mark was absolutely brilliant!
The children loved him! The parents loved him! And we as IKEA loved him! He had every single person of all ages in pieces!
If Mark could do a show with all new stuff for next year, we would 100% book him again.
I hope that Mark feels like he was part of the IKEA family and that he himself enjoy the day too.
Please ensure this gets passed back to Mark
Kind Regards,
Daniel Molesworth
So its a new year. here at marks magic kingdom we are getting ready for the new season. Its this time of year, we review our show and see whats new for Children’s party entertainers. we like to be the best children’s entertainers.
Looking at some new party games! i love the idea of hungry hippos.
We have already improved the sound, with a new mixing desk. both chanells are at the same volume, this is a great improvement.
We were able to perform the new las vegas illusion for the first time at a school. got some great reactions and we are looking forward to perform this at holiday parks in the spring.
Category:General Updates, Magic, Shows & Events, Uncategorized